Grow Your Vision
Tajali Theresa Tolan
Professional Profile and Qualifications
Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor 14 years.
Psychotherapist therapy for individuals, children, couples and families who present issues around reunification, addictions & recovery, attachment, mental and emotional health, crisis and stress management, behavioral management skills and parenting concerns.
Group Facilitator in Recovery Centers Prescott AZ. Weekly lead 10-14 hours of DBT CBT, Mindfulness.
Yoga Teacher. Teaching all levels, Pre K- Adults; Certified and registered. 15 years.
Peace Education Teacher at Rock Prairie Montessori School, Janesville, WI. Teach mindfulness, peace education and yoga.
Peace Education Curriculum Development. Facilitated multicultural Arts & Peace Education to over 10,000 children nationally and internationally.
Trainer: Peace Educators Children’s Global Peace Project.
Life Coach and Counselor: Work with adults, parents & children; life skills, goal and solution oriented; reduce anxiety, social emotional, behavioral skills, insight and communication skills.
Parent Educator Facilitated/taught over 5000 parent education classes and support groups as a Parent Educator 1991- present.
Consultant and Presenter: national and international Montessori Organizations, Peace Initiatives and with community agencies regarding individual, parenting, family and child development.
Education and License
Meditation, and Spiritual Studies. 2003- present
Mindfulness Teacher Certification Sean Fargo 2019
Y12SR Certification Nikki Meyers 2017
Mindful Educator Certification Mindful School, CA 2017
Mindfulness Training Jack Kornfield, Tara Barsh, Jon Kabot Zin 2000- current
Therapeutic Yoga for Children Mira Bizen GFY 2016
Life Coach Certification Wild Abundant Life, LLC 2014
YOGA- CYT, RYT Yoga Alliance 2014
Connection Practice Certified Trainer, Rasur Foundation, Costa Rica, United States 2010-current
Peace Education Studies Trainings, University, On-line 1999-current
Non-Violent Communication Training Marshall Rosenberg, Madison, Colorado 1996-current
Marriage and Family Therapy Edgewood College, Madison WI May 2003
LMFT-WI License # 673124 Wisconsin July 2004 -2013
Certified Family Life Educator National Counsel on Family Relations June 2000
M.S. Counseling Psychology University of Wisconsin-Madison May 1999
B.S. Child & Family Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison May 1991
Organizations Founded
The Consciousness Project www.Be-brilliant.com 2011 – Present
Empowering and educating individuals and families through personal awareness; social-emotional and spiritual dynamics, meditation, insight, compassionate communication, and conscious skill building.
Children’s Global Peace Project 501 (c) 3 www.cgpp.org 2007 – 2012
International Peace Education program for school-age children in five countries. Integrated multicultural arts with meditation, movement, awareness, compassionate communication practices.
Family Therapy, Counseling and Parent Education Experience
Canyon Crossing, Prescott AZ 2020- 2021
Psychotherapist, fulltime; Group Facilitator
Associates of Dr. Allison Becker, Evansville WI 2013-2020
https://www.doctorallisonbecker.com/associates Family Counselor & Parent Educator
BASE Building a Safer Evansville--Volunteer 2012-2018
Community Alliance dedicated to helping and supporting our community to make safe, healthy choices,
reducing access to Rx drugs, alcohol and risk-taking behaviors
Oregon Mental Health, Oregon, WI
Private Practice –Marriage, Family and Child Psychotherapist 2007 – 2012
Orion Family Services, Oregon, WI
In-Home Family Therapist 1999-2011
Developed and taught a twelve-week interactive parenting classes for parents referred by the court system.
Adapted PCIT (Parent Child Interaction Therapy) as a parent education modality with focus on restructuring attachment through connection and nurturing of both parent and child from birth through 18.
Family Enhancement, Madison WI
Trainer and Consultant Parent and Family Education Specialist 1989 2003
Teaching Positions
Rock Prairie Montessori School, Janesville, WI. 2012 -2019
Peace Education Instructor. Implement peace education curriculum that is based in SEL, awareness
Kindness, relationships and behavioral constructs. Early childhood and Elementary. Provide counseling
With students and parent supporting social emotional and anger management skills.
Creekside Place Community Center, Evansville, WI
Yoga Mindfulness Instructor. Taught four classes per week 2011- 2019
BePeace and Connection Practice Trainer, Rasur Foundation International 2010- Present
Teach and implement heart centered practice and NVC (nonviolent communication) to teachers, parents, professionals to enhance communication, conflict resolution skills and peace.
Evansville Mindfulness Co-op, Evansville, WI 2012 - 2019
Owner, Meditation and Yoga Instructor
Mindfulness for Parents
Anxious To Awesome ™
Family and Kids yoga classes. Mindful Kids Adventure Camps
Complimentary Individual Practices
â—‹ 30 yr. Meditation practice â—‹ Yearly silent retreats. â—‹Watercolor Artist â—‹ Spiritual Ministries
o Daily Yoga practice â—‹ Certified Leader of Dances of Universal Peace â—‹ 30 year recovery Al -anon